New Dads, What's IT Like?

New Dads, What’s IT Like?

by John Shankman

John & Anderson

How good are you at changing diapers?

John: “Diapers are easy, dealing with baby vomit is where I struggle.”

There comes a time in the evolution of everyone’s Facebook newsfeed that the babies take over. Here we dive into the questions behind the photos.

Mark & Jasper

How have you envisioned your eventual parenting style? Laid back? Highly structured?

Mark: “This is something I have given a great deal of thought. I’d like to think it will be a mix of ‘Michael Bluth’ and ‘Crosby Braverman’ but in reality, I just want to be as loving and supportive of Jasper as possible. It’s not about me anymore, it’s about him.”

Dave & Lexi

What’s the most the surprising thing about being a new dad?

Dave: “It’s amazing to love somebody that we barely know so unconditionally!”

Jon & Sofia

What’s your best piece of advice for new dads?

Jon: “Being a good parent is not as daunting as it seems. Relax, be yourself, and have confidence! Like anything else in which you strive to succeed, belief in yourself is as important as any other skill.”

Otto & Amaya

It’s early to ask but: Would you ever have more kids?

Otto: “Is it too early to ask? Yes.”

Brought to you by Dove Men+Care. Take better care of your face.