Fact That People Actually Concentrate On Performance At Concert Remarked Upon

“Hundreds of fans lined up outside the El Rey Theatre across town earlier Saturday for a chance to attend the spontaneous show. Buyers were limited to one ticket, and they were required to pay with cash, show a government-issued ID, wear a wristband with their name on it and be photographed. Their names were verified at the venue, which has a capacity of about 700. Cameras and smartphones weren’t allowed inside the Echoplex, which usually plays host to hipster bands and mash-up dance parties. The lack of personal recording devices made the [band’s] performance feel even more exclusive and old school, freeing concertgoers’ hands of the gizmos that have become commonplace at concerts nowadays, and further bonding the crowd, many of whom built up camaraderie during the confusing ticket lottery earlier in the day.”
— “In the future,” said the mysterious man who appeared before me on that strange November day in 1979, “telephones will be tiny devices which you carry on your person with you no matter where you go. Some of them will be able to tap into a vast network of cat photos and song lyrics. And when you go to a concert you will spend the whole time filming the show with your tiny phone rather than actually watching the musicians.”

“But what will the music be like?” I asked.

“Oh, it’ll still be the Rolling Stones,” said the man. “Also the president will be black and everyone’s going to be upset that the first active pro-athlete to announce that he’s gay isn’t a bigger deal,” he cackled ominously before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.