You're Sad Because You Suck Because You're You

“Many emotionally sensitive people seem to dislike and even hate themselves. The reasons vary but seem to fall into certain categories: self-blame, negative self-attribution, believing myths, not living values, treating yourself as if you don’t matter and” realizing that, in spite of whatever good intentions you have somehow managed to retain while being buffeted by the basic brutalities of life you will one way or another hurt or disappoint the people who love you the most and then briefly consider the possibility that it’s their own fault for choosing to love someone as worthless as you are in the first place before finally accepting the bitter reality that no matter what anyone else has done everything is ultimately your fault and even a cursory glance at the mirror reveals a despicable excuse for a human being who once laughed and played and loved and wanted nothing more to be happy and share that happiness with the people who surrounded you, and now your only consolation is your inevitable demise, an event that can’t happen quickly enough but probably will drag out like everything else. You can find a more in-depth examination of why you hate yourself here, but it basically boils down to the fact that you’re an awful person and you’re not fooling anyone about it.

Photo by kneiane, via Shutterstock