You Are Making Your Baby Fat By Feeding Your Baby Food

What an awful mom.

Why are the babies so sick and obese? Because 93% of American parents are so terrible that they’re giving the baby food all the time. Claiming the baby is “hungry” or “won’t go to sleep,” bad moms are giving the infants solid food way before the infants are medically allowed to have any solid food, which is at six months.

It’s hard to imagine being a worse parent, but 40 percent of American parents are so ill-suited to this crucial societal role that they’ve even managed that: These people are giving the baby food before four months. This curses the innocent baby to a miserable life of “childhood obesity, celiac disease, diabetes and eczema,” researchers say. So when you’re giving that blameless child its first delectable morsel of solid food, that first too-soon bit of stuff will follow the accursed infant from cradle to (early) grave.

Reasons cited by the moms included, “My baby was old enough,” “My baby seemed hungry,” “I wanted to feed my baby something in addition to breast milk or formula,” “My baby wanted the food I ate,” “A doctor or other health care professional said my baby should begin eating solid food,” or “It would help my baby sleep longer at night,” according to the study.

The perception that moms who breast feed are “better people” is mostly proven by science, but even those mothers who start their child only on artisanal small-batch breast milk can soon take the evil path of giving the baby some food, as proven by the shocking finding that 24 percent of breast-feeding moms gave in to the same wrong behavior — about half the rate of parental failure as the mostly poor women who start their babies on “formula,” which is a kind of chemical milk powder sold at the corner market.