The Titles of Philip K. Dick's Novels, In Order of Sheer Awesomeness

by Ted Pillow

46. Nick and the Glimmung

45. Galactic Pot-Healer

44. The Zap Gun

43. Mary and the Giant

42. A Maze of Death

41. The Game-Players of Titan

40. The Broken Bubble

39. Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb

38. The Ganymede Takeover

37. Voices from the Street

36. Deus Irae

35. Confessions of a Crap Artist

34. Vulcan’s Hammer

33. The Crack in Space

32. Counter-Clock World

31. Martian Time-Slip

30. Radio Free Albemuth

29. The Simulacra

28. The Penultimate Truth

27. The Transmigration of Timothy Archer

26. Ubik

25. Time Out of Joint

24. Eye in the Sky


22. The Man in the High Castle

21. The Cosmic Puppets

20. Gather Yourselves Together

19. Lies, Inc. (an expanded, republished version of “The Unteleported Man”)

18. Solar Lottery

17. The World Jones Made

16. Clans of the Alphane Moon

15. Dr. Futurity

14. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

13. A Scanner Darkly

12. We Can Build You

11. The Divine Invasion

10. Puttering About in a Small Land

9. The Unteleported Man

8. In Milton Lumky Territory

7. The Man Who Japed

6. Our Friends from Frolix 8

5. Now Wait for Last Year

4. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

3. Humpty Dumpty in Oakland

2. The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike

1. Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said

Ted Pillow means no harm. His writing can be found at Fanny Pack Spectacular! He tweets @TedPillow.