The NYC Public High School with Nine Black Students


How much can one man get done in twelve years? Well, quite a bit. “At this rate of decline” — in the admission of black and Latino students to the eight academic specialized schools in New York City — “six years from now there will be no black and Hispanic students admitted at all.” Okay, while that, thanks to math, is actually unlikely to occur, still that is absolutely the trending on admissions to gifted and talented schools in the city. We’re actually pretty close! For example, that’s nine black students admitted to Stuyvesant in 2013. How’s everyone else doing? “Hispanic students are 40.3 percent of the system. Currently, they make up 2.4 percent of Stuyvesant’s enrollment.” This is just one front on which the three long terms of the Bloomberg administration have architected the division of the city into rich and poor, and at the same time, white and non-white. (via)