Obama/Satan Lures "Bible Experience" To New York City

Yes We Can ... defeat the blind creator god and make the Earth filled with angels of light!

Oh look, there’s a new attraction in Manhattan for the downtown art crowd:

The husband-and-wife pair stepped out alongside Morgado on Tuesday night for the opening-night gala for “The Bible Experience,” an exhibit in downtown Manhattan featuring photography from the mini-series as well as biblical artifacts by way of the Vatican and a giant, two-ton crown of thorns hanging from the ceiling. A spooky Old World ambiance was enhanced by dim lighting, a fog machine and Hans Zimmer’s musical score in the background as guests wandered through a cavernous space built to seem centuries-old with earthy walls and barely any heat circulating. “This is a gift to New York City,” mused Burnett of the week-long event, a half-museum/half-marketing gimmick.

This is, by the way, the cable miniseries that has an “Obama lookalike” playing the Devil. And the Mr. Burnett who claims some tacky cable-channel promotion for the megachurch demographic is a “gift to New York City” is Mark Burnett, the person who must be held accountable for both the “Survivor” show and “Sarah Palin’s Alaska.”