Jurassic Park Frog Monster Vomits Up Babies

Havin' my baby What a lovely way of sayin' How much you love me Havin' my baby What a lovely way of sayin' What you're thinkin' of me

Mad scientists have recreated an extinct frog known for puking up its own babies, hooray for science! The gastric-brooding frog, or Rheobatrachus silus, is described by the Daily Mail as being “long extinct” because the last one died in … 1983. That was a long time ago! Luckily, early forms of refrigeration existed in 1983, so one of the last of these extinct frogs was kept in a freezer all this time.

‘We are watching Lazarus arise from the dead, step by exciting step,’ said Mike Archer, a professor at the University of New South Wales and the leader of the Lazarus Project team. ‘We’ve reactivated dead cells into living ones and revived the extinct frog’s genome in the process. Now we have fresh cryo-preserved cells of the extinct frog to use in future cloning experiments.”

When did scientists start using bible stories as naming inspiration for these weird experiments? Because it used to be Greek and Roman mythology that provided the names for this stuff — Prometheus, etc. And that was because we could all agree these were myths and not stories of actual alive gods who would come kill us for looking at pornos or make us lose weight if we prayed a lot. So the Christian religion is now considered mythological … and that means it’s just harmless political humor when Sarah Palin’s TV producer hires an Obama lookalike to play The Devil in a cable series about the bible, right?