Dog Faces: What Are They Saying?

Recently there has been some discussion about whether the world is a better place to live in now or if the whole thing is hurtling toward the cosmic dustbin with a cinderblock on the accelerator as it tosses empties out the window while blasting deadmau5 from the speakers. On the one hand, you have people like cognitive scientist Steven Pinker arguing that we are currently experiencing “the most peaceable era in the existence of our species.” On the other hand, a quick stroll through the papers is all you need to remind you that, no, you’re not wrong, the world is completely crazy and getting worse every second. Let’s put aside the sub-debate over whether or not the world has always been this astoundingly insane and we’re just more aware of it now because technology allows every sad secluded outcast to toss their most banal thoughts into the limitless litany of suffering, horror and loneliness that is the permanent record of our sorrowful existence. Can the weight of all that agony — a heaping helping of terror, dread and boredom — do anything but put further pressure on our already shattered pysches? How much longer can we pretend that it’s going to be okay when we all know that the inevitable end is wending its way towards us with frightening speed and a lust for blood that will not be easily sated? On the other hand, apparently we can tell what dogs are feeling just by looking at their faces

, so maybe it’s not all bad.