D.C. Sinkhole Provides Comic Relief For Weary Vatican Watchers

“There are five better sinkholes than that in Brooklyn alone.” — New Yorkers living in DC.

— Ryan Avent (@ryanavent) March 12, 2013

It’s tough to imagine a news cycle more exciting than waiting for a gaggle of old men in white dresses who are quietly thinking about consensus (and decades-long organized coverups of global pedophilia rings operated by the Catholic Church), but a miracle has occurred in Washington, D.C., to turn our attention away from the Vatican: There is a sinkhole in the Adams Morgan neighborhood. We know, we know, How could anyone tell?

The reaction has been as fast as it has been snide.

DC IS a sinkhole. MT @majchrowitz Now DC has a sinkhole. DC police report large sinkhole in 1900 block of BiltmoreStNW 25ft deep & expanding

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) March 12, 2013

Ha ha, you get it, because of fiscal socialism?! This was tweeted by a person who spends literally all her time thinking and blogging and tweeting about what happens in D.C. Let this be a lesson to our younger readers: Do what you love, not what you hate!

It’s a big day for sinkholes (Illinois, DC) and this week’s @newyorker is ON IT — David Owen: Florida’s sinkhole crisis nyr.kr/ZnrTSE

— Silvia Killingsworth (@silviakillings) March 12, 2013

Sorry, Silvia, but that’s the wrong sinkhole. Florida IS a sinkhole, amirite?