A Poem By Ben Purkert

by Mark Bibbins, Editor

Brought To You By

take Coke Zero my white Apple
charger this Old Grand-dad
logo with its hair line sunken
eyes hey & give hot potato
skins a whirl they’re good
lunch conversation but just skins
in the end & you can only
dance so long around
something till it dissolves
in Zero most likely yes
you’ll be sipping on a glass
if you want ice please call
for rocks please sit back &
that glow off the TV
is kinda making you famous
it’s honestly making
your head overshadow
the far wall & everyone knows
today’s celebrities are only
caught dead in Italian
labels they wear their faces so
loose in full sun

Ben Purkert’s poems have appeared in The New Yorker and Denver Quarterly. He’s currently completing his first manuscript, One Good.

So you like to read poems, eh? I know a place this is MADE OUT OF POEMS. It’s right here! You may contact the editor at [email protected].