Make Sure You're Optimizing Content For the Mobile Market

And what's so wrong about the natural process of human defecation?

These days, professional content curators have to go through a lot of crap to find that one thing that can be successfully blockquoted or very slightly rewritten to maximize SEO revenue streams — yet a cursory glance at the nation’s best performing aggregators finds an unsatisfactory maximazation of cross-platform responsive environments.

Brand management and audience engagement depend upon early conversions with the youngest consumers. Is your company losing eyeballs to competitors with better internals targeted to the post-diaper pre-toilet demo? Supercharge your mobile audience social sticky by adaptive dynamic layouts to lasso the tablet-potty market before you are literally destroyed and physically torn apart, limb by limb, by your eternal rivals. The CTA Digital 2-in-1 iPotty with Activity Seat for iPad drops on March 11, so pre-order now.