The Worst Places To Wait On Line In Order Of How Much Time They Allow You To Imagine The Sad...

The Worst Places To Wait On Line In Order Of How Much Time They Allow You To Imagine The Sad, Everyday Lives Of The People In Front Of You Until You Eventually Confront The Depressing Reality Of Your Own Existence And The Crushing Burden Of Being For All Of Us — A Pain Which Only Ends With Death, But Never Soon Enough

20. Liquor store

19. Food truck

18. Expensive coffee chain

17. Deli

16. Trader Joe’s/Whole Foods/bougie consumables emporium

15. Tech/cellphone store

14. MetroCard machine

13. ATM

12. Office supply store

11. Coffee cart

10. Baggage claim

9. Greeting card/candle/knickknack/tchotchke establishment

8. Target/Walmart/K-Mart etc.

7. Anything at the mall around Christmas

6. Fast food restaurant

5. Post office

4. Cable company

3. DMV

2. Grocery store

1. Pharmacy

Photo by Andreser, via Shutterstock