Will Snor'eastercane Sandy Destroy NYC? This Weatherdude Says "OMG YES"

Our latest snor’eastercane update. My odds for NYC impacts from #Sandy are now 2-in-3: on.wsj.com/TVyb5T

— Eric Holthaus (@WSJweather) October 24, 2012

Here she comes. Hurricane Sandy terribly abused Jamaica last night, and is en route, possibly, maybe, up the Eastern seaboard, where she has a hot date with a nor’easter blowing across the U.S. This has weather folks very excited. But none are more excited than the Wall Street Journal’s Eric Holthaus. We’d like you to get to know him. He’s the most fun of all the weather dudes who are absolutely freaking out right now. Then go out and buy all the candles and batteries and bottles of water.

[View the story “Will #Sandy Destroy New York City? Ask Eric Holthaus” on Storify]