New York City, October 21, 2012

★★★★ Sky of gas-flame blue, with phosphor clouds. On the sidewalk’s edge, scattered acorns lay. Chain-link shadows fell on paving blocks, diamonds over hexagons. A musical ensemble climbed the high steps up the embankment, away from the river, toting cello and bass cases. Halfway out the pier, there was a bench with two empty benches on either side. The breeze-chopped water flickered like static, slate and olive. Up the valley was some haze. White hyphens and en-dashes advanced and backspaced toward each other on the George Washington Bridge, trucks creeping inbound meeting trucks moving smartly westward. Helicopters growled; the wavelets plashed. A small dog yapped creakily, like a gull. Its fluff was the dirty white color of an immature gull, even. Further up the river, in a youth ballgame, the left-center fielder wore a blue stocking cap, while the other three outfielders wore their red team caps. The green team bounced a hit through the right-center fielder for three bases. Inland, at the playground, each step on the synthetic planks of the ramps and platforms raised a static charge. Sparks popped to the metal handrail at every turn.