Susan Loves Ed, And Ed Loves Sports -- Can A Smart TV Keep Them Together?

by Awl Sponsors

Susan loves Ed and Ed loves Susan, but Ed and Susan have a problem. You see, Ed is addicted to sports of all kinds and he spends every waking hour hunting for information and stats on every single one of them. Basketball, football, baseball, horseshoes, darts — you name it and Ed has got to know. So if he isn’t in his office surfing the web for the latest up-to-the-minute scores, he’s down at his local bar trying to keep up by watching multi-feeds and multi-screens of whatever game happens to be playing at that exact moment. Poor Ed goes to so much work for his favorite hobby that poor Susan never gets to see him anymore.

Is there any way both can ever be happy?

Well, cheer up, Susan and Ed (and all those who care about or can relate to this saga), technology has finally come to your rescue! Thanks to LG’s Google TV, sports and stats will never be the same. This TV has the goods any serious sports fan needs to stay up to speed.

Now, Ed can plant himself securely on his couch at home and still catch every game and stat he used to work so hard to find before, thanks to the absolutely seamless integration of broadcast sports and the power of the Internet. Literally, limitless facts and stats are now available by clicking and typing away on his LG magic remote (yes, it has a mouse and a keyboard), which means Ed gets all the information he can handle and all the sports he ever wanted to see. Ed even customizes his LG TV dashboard with all his favourite sports apps. He has the app for his baseball fix, NASCAR LIVE for real-time updates, and he tops it off with the ESPN ScoreCenter to see hundreds of scores from leagues around the world. If that wasn’t enough, LG’s Google TV has instant 2D-to-3D conversion so Ed can really get in on the action.

And Susan? Not only is she snuggled up right next to Ed — and enjoying every minute of it — she’s got instant access to her favorite online shopping apps, instant shows and movies on Netflix and Cinema Now, plus all her fave social media sites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and more where she regularly posts pics and vids of the two lovebirds living happily ever after.

Talk about a “Smart” TV — good job, Ed and good job, Susan. Whoever would have thought that one singularly amazing TV could do so much to keep one couple so happy together?!

Only LG’s Smart TV with Google TV uses innovative technology to improve your love life. Check it out today!