New York City, September 2, 2012

★★ Sun with clouds about to overtake it, alternating with clouds about to give way to sun. Proportions tipped to the cloudier side as the afternoon went on. It was gray outside the Battery Maritime Terminal and gray inside, under the cold light fixtures. The ferry yawed and pitched, turning for Governor’s Island; the engine rattled skulls. The water was pewter. A brief drizzle fell on the island’s perimeter road. A whole family, child after child after child, came veering up from behind on bicycles. The wobbliest child went a few more yards and wiped out sideways. The sun found the harbor and laid down a narrow line of brilliant silver, pointing away from the Statue of Liberty. Then it found the boxes of Lower Manhattan and did with them what it could. The line to get back to the ferry stayed overcast. Cotton candy turned to wool candy in the damp air, on its way to felt. Back up in the West 60s, an hour later, golden sun poured through. Beautiful conditions for an excursion.

Weather ratings range from zero to five stars.