It's a Miracle of Self-Restraint that Times Employees Haven't Gone on Strike

Congratulations to the 592 current and former New York Times employees, from the dudes in security to customer service representatives to a few brave news assistants to web producers to editors to critcs, who signed the open letter to Arthur Sulzberger Jr. at the behest of their Guild. It is now 19 months since the Guild’s contract expired at the paper. Yesterday, the Times dismissed a Guild offer and — this is a good one! — the Proskauer lawyer who represents the Times suggested to the union that they “waive collective bargaining rights.” The session was scheduled for four hours and lasted 30 minutes. So that’s going well! As we know, the way people work at the Times has changed dramatically in the last five or so years; it’s all been double the work and not at all double the pay. The Times Company management and its representation aren’t doing themselves any favors here.