The Littlest Printer, for the Curator™ in Your Life

For $259, this tiny thermal printer will live on your desk and print out things like your friends’ Foursquare checkins and a black and white version of the Instagram photo of the day. Seriously, coming in October: “Connected to the Web, Little Printer has wide range of sources available to check on your behalf. We call them ‘publications.’” Oh do you. Superb coinage. Anyway, you know I am susceptible to the ridiculous and the handmade and even the adorable, so I wouldn’t particularly mind living in an alternate universe where there are zeppelins and tiny printers on our desks that spit out news twice a day. That’s CUTE. (Also, I like how it’s sort of like a Tamagotchi, except I guess it doesn’t die.) On the other hand, I also dislike living in our universe, where people build tech products that then collapse under the weightlessness of their potential actual applications, which they then describe as “content.” However will I get reminders of my friends’ birthdays? Oh, I know, I’ll have a tiny printer that spews them out at me in the morning, that’s DEFINITELY the most ideal way to do that. But still. [via]