Sun Powerless Against Crushing Reality Of Existence

“The happiest region of the whole UK is the most northerly — Shetland, Orkney and the Outer Hebrides. Some islands see only around 1,000 hours of sunshine a year compared to a UK average of 1,340 hours. And when one reads those international lists of the happiest countries, top of the league tend to be places like Norway, Sweden, Canada, Denmark and Finland. There is no correlation between well-being and warm weather — if anything it looks like the opposite.”
 — It turns out nice weather does not make you any happier. You know why? Because NOTHING makes you happier. And why would it? You’re on a treadmill of poor choices and mistakes until your legs finally give out and the whole thing mercifully comes to a stop. I’ll concede that it’s probably more pleasant to grind out your quotidian routine of suffering and regret under cloudless skies, but let’s not kid ourselves that there’s really anything that makes it worthwhile.

Photo by Elenamiv, via Shutterstock