The Worst Thing About Rain Is That It Doesn't Even Kill Mosquitos

Watching this video, you’re almost happy for all this rain we’ve been getting and will continue to be getting for a long, long time. Come on raindrops! You weigh up to fifty times as much as these horrible flying vermin that fill the air in the Brooklyn, these monsters that are responsible for one-half of all human deaths since the stone age. You can crush them! Smash their fragile exoskeletons! Save us! But no, as David Hu, a professor of mechanical engineering and biology at Georgia Institute of Technology, and his colleagues have documented with their super-high-speed camera, mosquitos have tiny hydrophobic hairs all over their disgusting bodies which help them slip out from under the stupid raindrops and live to mate and spawn more mosquitos and more mosquitos and more mosquitos. Until it stops raining forever and we all die in fires and drought.