Drink Tea And Die

Remember a couple weeks back when tea-drinking helped prevent diabetes? Well it was all a big lie. It turns out tea is a killer… OF YOUR PROSTATE.

Men who drink lots of tea are far more likely to develop prostate cancer, researchers have warned. They found that those who drank seven or more cups a day had a 50 per cent higher risk of contracting the disease than men who had three or fewer. The warning comes after scientists at the University of Glasgow tracked the health of more than 6,000 men for four decades.

There is, however, some hopeful news buried in the report.

Researchers found that the subjects who drank the most tea were often teetotal and led healthy lifestyles. As a result, they may have been at a lower risk of death from ‘competing causes’, effectively giving them more time to develop prostate cancer, the journal Nutrition and Cancer reports.

So the takeaway here is drink as much tea as you want, but make sure you balance it out with plenty of smoking and alcohol. And whatever you do, don’t work out. You should particularly avoid Pilates, which will fuck up your back something awful. Now you know!

Photo by conrado, via Shutterstock