16 Things You Can Do With Your Free Hand, Besides Catch A Baseball, While You're Holding A Taco...

16 Things You Can Do With Your Free Hand, Besides Catch A Baseball, While You’re Holding A Taco Bell Beefy Nacho Burrito In Your Other Hand

1) Deep fry Snickers bar
2) Drink 64 oz. tub of soda (somewhere other than New York City and Cambridge)
3) Eat KFC Double Down Chicken Sandwich
4) Sprinkle extra shredded cheese on Taco Bell Beefy Nacho Burrito
5) Spray Cheez Whiz directly into mouth
6) Stuff entire hard-boiled egg in mouth, squeeze packet of mayonaise directly into mouth atop hard-boiled egg
7) Crumble potato chips onto cheeseburger
8) Spread butter on steak
9) Dip corn dog into marshmallow fluff
10) Shovel handfulls of M&Ms; into mouth
11) Fish sausage links out of pocket
12) Order Domino’s
13) Eat two slices of pizza stacked one-on-top-of-the-other and tied together with Slim Jim
14) Drink mug of Cool Ranch salad dressing
15) Pour mug of Cool Ranch salad dressing on chest
16) Eat other Taco Bell Beefy Nacho Burrito