Ten Songs To Listen To While You're Sitting In Your Wheeled, Attended Massage Chair At Marina...

Ten Songs To Listen To While You’re Sitting In Your Wheeled, Attended Massage Chair At Marina Abramovic’s Upstate Performance Art Center

“There will be a room for drinking water and drinking water in slow motion.”
 — Tear-jerking performance artist Marina Abramovic talks about the 20,000-square foot, $15 million art and education center that Shohei Shigematsu and Rem Koolhaus are designing for her in Hudson, New York. (Where Tommy Stinson recently settled, and where Awl pal and Fatty ‘Cue chef Zac Pellacio is opening a new restaurant in the fall.) The space will be devoted to “long durational” experience, and Abramovic plans to ask visitors to sign a contract upon entrance promising that they will stay for at least six hours. (No one will be penalized for leaving early, unfortunately.) The architects are designing special chairs, “a hybrid between a wheelchair and a massage chair,” each one with its own attendant, for audience members to relax and maybe sleep in. I can’t wait to go. (I think I will probably never actually go.) I’m already making a playlist to bring on my iPod.