Here, Pablo Escobar, You Can Wear My Shin Guards

“Eventually, the players were escorted to the prison soccer field, which was lit for the night. Escobar came out in sweat pants and a soccer jersey, and played left midfielder, ‘even though he was right-footed.’ Pareja’s teammate, Carlos Alvarez, had to guard him, a most delicate job. Guard him too lightly, and Escobar would feel disrespected. Guard him too closely, and Escobar would feel humiliated. Either way, it could mean his neck. ‘Don’t kick me,’ Escobar told Alvarez with a grin, ‘because (if you do) you will stay here with us.’”
 — Colorado Rapids coach Oscar Pareja tells ESPN’s Rick Reilly about the time he was summoned to play soccer against Pablo Escobar in Medellin, Columbia in 1991.