Continued Gratitude Shown For MCA

“Before the show, ‘Hold It Now’ blared on the house speakers, and DMX, Just-Ice’s human beat-box, approached me. He gave me a pound and a hug and then complimented me on the song. He thought I was MCA, I realized. At the time, I was still waiting on my own record; being mistaken for MCA was salt on a deep open wound. But now it feels different.”
 — Former 3rd Bass MC Pete “Prime Minister Pete Nice” Nash reflects on his complicated relationship with Adam Yauch.

Here, Awl pal Bethlehem Shoals writes on the technical aspects of Yauch’s rhyme style. And go here to see a massive and beautiful memorial mural that the graffiti artist/t-shirt design crew Team Entree painted in Midwood, Brooklyn. [Via]