Two Poems By Farrah Field

by Mark Bibbins, Editor

Amy Is off the Porch and into the World

All women are beautiful. They are houses.
Vaginas are houses.
Wipe that wine stain off your face
and step in leave your shoes.
All women are named Miranda.
Something left her body jump roping.
She put it all on our fingers.
We ride the bridges
on bikes. You were afraid
your son would slip
into a thick wet pussy.
Why did you leave the city.
We are the new wombs.
We’ll tell you everything.
Your town sucks. The press
of women is one thousand boobs.
There’s so much to do.
Don’t ring the doorbell.
Get your own water.
People have needed each other
for a long time. Someone you know
could kill you. Let’s eat dinner outside,
roasted pattypan squash.
Our summer nights are so cool.
Here’s the last of the last sweet corn.

Amy It’s a Pig’s Heart

Dirk on the first of four

tenets of suburban mentality

everything’s shocking

Your mind fingers in a jar

Socialism or Sanscullotism

What you know

National Geographic should

follow me following

If you were older we’d agree

the drinking has slowed down

You’re over my record player

I love your parents

Shifting left suede saddle shoe right

My dad used to ride motorcycles

until he met my mom

Dirty recovery

You never pick anything up

Plaster of Paris

Prettier without blue lipstick

For dressing up

wear your sister’s clothes

Everyone kisses her cheek so easily

The man behind the counter

is straightening her stocking

is inching up her skirt

her hair has gotten wet

You were in her powder

I’ll give you something threatening

If you want to know why

I never keep the lights on

St. Ramón you little bitch

I don’t mind candles for you

Free as dark is free

You had a real grandmother

the warm kind

The kind who would queue up

even when there was no bread

A downright rascal

You can’t be a radical

all the time Don’t worry

boys can use barrettes too

Farrah Field is the author of Rising (Four Way Books 2009) and Parents (Immaculate Disciples Press 2011). She is co-owner of Berl’s Brooklyn Poetry Shop. Her second book with Four Way, Wolf and Pilot, is forthcoming in October 2012.

There’s a buttload of additional poems here, in The Poetry Section’s archive.

You may contact the editor at [email protected].