The Four Horsemen of the Internet Apocalypse

Has the Internet Run Out of Ideas? “We’re now at the stage where we should be getting the next wave of disruptive surprises. But — guess what? — they’re nowhere to be seen. Instead, we’re getting an endless stream of incremental changes and me-tooism.”

Navigating a Tightrope with Amazon. Apple “selected Mr. Bissinger’s digital sequel as a Pick of the Week, giving customers a code they could redeem online for the book… Amazon interpreted the promotion as a price drop and lowered its price for ‘After Friday Night Lights’ to exactly zero.”

With No Revenue, an Illusion of Value. “When small start-ups I’ve spoken with do make money, they often find it difficult to recruit additional investment because most venture capitalists — and often the entrepreneurs they finance — are not interested in building viable long-term businesses. Rather, they’re interested in pumping up enough hype and valuation to find a quick exit through an acquisition at an eye-popping premium.”

A Site for Blanket Coverage of Celebrity Chefs. “’What will distinguish The Braiser from Day 1,’ [Dan] Abrams said, ‘is that it’s in an underpopulated yet very attractive space for particular advertisers.’”