Lyndon Johnson, Bed Hopper

Everyone loved the New Yorker’s recent piece on Lyndon Johnson (subscription-only). That includes Hal C. Wingo, one of the founders of People magazine, who spent New Year’s Eve of 1963 with Johnson, while on assignment for Life, and penned this letter to add to the record:

Johnson explained that all he wanted to do was to insure Kennedy’s legacy on civil rights, space exploration, and other cherished programs of his short-lived Presidency. He said that he needed the kind of help the press had given Kennedy. Just before midnight, he wished us all a Happy New Year and made one final request. Leaning forward in his chair, he put his hand on my knee and said, “One more thing, boys. You may see me coming in and out of a few women’s bedrooms while I am in the White House, but just remember, that is none of your business.”