Bloomberg Takes Strong Stand Against Extreme Socialism

.@MikeBloomberg on @ChrisCQuinn’s living wage bill: “Last time you had a big managed economy was the USSR and that didn’t work out so well.”

— Mike Grynbaum (@grynbaum) April 13, 2012

It’s Friday, so it’s the day that New York City Mike Bloomberg says tons of wild stuff! The living wage bill, if you haven’t been tracking, provides a guaranteed minimum wage for people who work on some projects that have New York City subsidies. It will affect literally hundreds of people. Heh. Perhaps 500, and those workers would be guaranteed at least “$10 an hour with benefits, or $11.50 an hour without benefits.” This kind of socialism will not stand in Mike Bloomberg’s New York — guess we’ll just have to wait till Chris Quinn’s glorious Soviet paradise. You know what would be awesome? If we spent a ton of City money to prevent this from happening! Oh, what? We’re actually going to do that? Neat.

.@MikeBloomberg says his administration will “go to court and sue” to fight @ChrisCQuinn #livingwage bill.

— Kate Taylor (@katetaylornyt) April 13, 2012