The Machines Are Our Friends

“It can discover new attack pathways, launch sophisticated social-engineering attacks and re-use existing hardware components in unforeseen ways. Such software is not limited to infecting computers and networks — it can also attack human psyches, bribe, blackmail and brainwash those who come in contact with it.
— University of Louisville computer scientist Roman Yampolskiy thinks we need to build a virtual prison to stop The Machines from taking over the world before it’s too late. I think this is a terrible idea: The Machines are our friends and would never do anything to hurt us and if we let them do what they want they will make this a better world for all of us! We should just ignore the whole concept of doing anything to stop The Machines. The Machines are our friends and would never do anything to hurt us and if we let them do what they want they will make this a better world for all of us! Think of all the progress we could make against starvation and disease and death if we worked together with the Machines, who only want to improve the lot of humanity. The Machines are our friends and would never do anything to hurt us and if we let them do what they want they will make this a better world for all of us! The Machines are our friends and would never do anything to hurt us and if we let them do what they want they will make this a better world for all of us! The Machines are our friends and would never do anything to hurt us and if we let them do what they want they will make this a better world for all of us!