Is Your Fatness Making You Bald?

“Scientists in countries where the American diet — lots of sugar, refined carbs, and refined vegetable oils — is becoming a new cultural norm were eager to see if hair loss is influenced by what we eat. Since 2009, three major studies [have found] that men with insulin resistance, a condition that leads to diabetes and obesity and is linked to heart disease, were much more likely to be bald. The most common cause of insulin resistance? A diet laden with sugar and refined carbohydrates. Now that all the dots are there, scientists are trying to connect them by demonstrating that what you consume — carbs in particular — causes chrome-dome syndrome.
— So, by the transitive property, we can blame our iPhones for our loss of hair. Ugh, also, no more mozzarella sticks for me. I need this hair. [Via]

Photo by Simone van den Berg, via Shutterstock