City Potholes To Be Filled With Aquaphalt Water Curable Cold Patch

“Keeping our streets in good condition is essential to our economy and to our quality of life — and that’s why we are always looking for ways to do the job more efficiently. We’re debuting new technology to repair city streets faster, while closing less lanes to traffic. We also took advantage of the mild winter this year and resurfaced additional key corridors to get a jump on repaving season, and we are on track to repave 1,000 lane miles of city streets this year.”
 — Mayor Bloomberg held a press conference in Queens today to brag about the city’s new pothole-filling technology. Last year, the Department of Transportation set an all-time record by filling an astounding 418,000 potholes. And with the mild winter allowing more pothole-filling than ever, they’re already 164,000 filled potholes towards challenging that record this year. Also, there is something called, “Aquaphalt Water Curable Cold Patch.”