Two Poems By Anthony Madrid

by Mark Bibbins, Editor


GOLDEN eagle and a gooey pink pen
Are just the thing on a cracker.
Every salt crystal has the potential
To grip like Michelin tire tread.

Helluva dancer, that gila monster.
Looks great in a cotton bodystocking.
But talking shop with the audience, she’s as
Uptight as a scolding nannygoat.

A nanomoment’s not nearly enough
To throw a tarp on a terrapin.
In therapy, you can come to terms
With the millipede’s indifference.

The millipede looked at his watch:
Mickey says hello. He has an
It, and you have an it, and the two its’
Names are Lefty and Chick Pea.

Chick Pea wrote a dialogue:
On the Nature of the Raj.
But Butter Rabbit and Camelopard
Are flying out from O’Hare.

The airport has many hazards: impassable
Rivers and starvey wolves.
Their hunting patterns exactly match
Those of the stranded octopus.

And who is as the suckblob?
And who knoweth the interpretation of the suck?
Daddy Longlegs looked it up
In the Lithuanian textbook.

But you’re the Delphic oracle, so say
What’s shorter than nothing at all? Goat o’ God
Sawed off a shotgun, gave
The stupid part to her kid.

I know, I know, I know.
Interrupted a hundred times,
The psyche goes into crisis.
And so: ineligible is the bat.


FOX called and sank a shot
Into the corner pocket
Of a diamond-eyed kangaroo, who
Looked better naked.

Turkeypig wrote a rockin’ review.
You’re welcome to click on the link.
But the comment stream is fulla trolls
And trotting out o’ credentials.

Here is something new:
I’ma answer it all with silence.
With silence, exile, cunning, I
Skillfully cut up cucumbers.

And as I crouch to pet this coil
Of orange extension cord, I think
Its mile-long flexible backbone
Is liquid metallic hydrogen.

And, oh, you know me all,
A plain blunt man that love my friend. I’m
Trying to put a nail in the wall
By hitting it with a mattress.

Anthony Madrid lives in Chicago. His first book, I Am Your Slave Now Do What I Say, will be published by Canarium Books this spring.

We know, we know, you can’t get enough poetry. The good news is there’s plenty more here.

You may contact the editor at [email protected].