The Martin Amis Videogame Guide

“It’s a deeply strange artifact: an A4-sized, full color glossy affair, abundantly illustrated with captioned photographs, screen shots, and lavish illustrations of exploding space ships and lunar landscapes. It boasts a perfunctory introduction by Steven Spielberg (‘read this book and learn from young Martin’s horrific odyssey round the world’s arcades before you too become a video-junkie’), complete with full-page portrait of the Hollywood Boy Wonder leaning awkwardly against an arcade machine like some sort of geeky, high-waisted Fonz. We’re not even into the text proper, and already its cup runneth over with 100-proof WTF.”
 — Mark O’Connell examines Invasion of the Space Invaders: An Addict’s Guide to Battle Tactics, Big Scores and the Best Machines, by Martin Amis.