Please Can We Have Janet McTeer Be a Famous Person in America?

“It says much for McTeer that the obvious question — ‘What are the chances of two cross-dressers meeting trouser to trouser in late-nineteenth-century Dublin?’ — hardly enters our minds. Stately and swaggering, taller than most of the men, and sporting the dark forelock of the natural rake, McTeer, who has been Oscar-nominated for best supporting actress, carries conviction as easily as she wears her breeches and corduroy jacket, transforming Hubert’s rangy physical confidence into a larger embrace of life’s amusements and kicks. She is no perhapser but a thoroughgoing yes-woman, like Molly Bloom.”
 — Anthony Lane is totally on board with my campaign: Janet McTeer must win Best Supporting Actress this year (for the mediocre Albert Nobbs) or all is lost and nothing means anything any more. (Sorry Melissa McCarthy, love you!) Also get excited: she’s playing Mary McCarthy in Margarethe von Trotta’s Hannah Arendt! Okay don’t get too excited but get a little excited.)