Masspike Miles, "Sex Compass"

When I was in college, a guy I knew had a really bad day when, at the behest of two platonic girl friends, he drew a picture of where he thought the clitoris was located in relationship to the vagina. He drew it at the bottom. And the girls told everybody. First of all, I swear that I am not the guy in this story. Secondly, too bad Maybach Music Group singer Masspike Miles wasn’t around back when we were in college, because he has apparently invented a device designed explicitly to locate hard-to-find features of the female anatomy. I would quote the lyrics to this song, which are actually far more embarrassing than not knowing where the clitoris is when you’re in college. But I will just let you listen for yourself. Wait for the chorus, it’s worth it. (Then, by all means, stop listening immediately. Although the beat is nice and luxurious and the video shows pretty pictures of Thailand.) Oh, warning: there is a brief appearance of a naked woman’s nipple around the 2:00 mark.