It's The Future and Everything Is Still Boring

by Regina Small

Google is rumored to be working on a pair of heads-up display glasses, which would allow information and text to appear in your immediate visual field. Futuristic! But before you get too excited:

According to the source, the HUD side attachment is not transparent and doesn’t have any 3D capabilities, thus it appears Google has simply affixed a Smartphone screen to the side of a pair of glasses….This new HUD device, if it ever does hit the market, doesn’t appear to fulfill the likely expectations of sci-fi and gadget enthusiasts who have for years been dreaming of having their own Terminator or more recently Iron Man type glasses that are transparent and offer up relevant information about the environment in truly meaningful ways, such as what’s on the menu of a nearby restaurant, or the name and phone number of girls in a nightclub.

Or people to avoid in nightclubs! MAYBE SOMEDAY.