How Long Do You Have to Live in Oakland Before Cops Shoot Your Whole Family?

How Long Do You Have to Live in Oakland Before Cops Shoot Your Whole Family?

So this guy Tony Jones is getting a ride from his mother’s to his girlfriend’s. The cops pull them over because they think they’re in some van they’re looking for, that was involved in some robbery. Apparently it’s not, because the cops let them go. But Tony gets out and walks, and the cops follow him, because, they say, he was “carrying” a gun. (Having a hard time picturing this, you know?) Then he starts running, and the officers following him “felt” like he was going to shoot at them, so the cops preemptively shoot him in the back. Gosh, why would he run? It’s not like a cop put his cousin on the ground and shot him in the back two years ago.