Tourist Gets Tour of New York City's Racist Prison System
Add yet one more reporter to the long list of those getting arrested in New York! The chair of McGill’s daily publications society board of directors, 21-year-old Aaron Vansintjan, might be interested in Occupy Wall Street, according to his Google+ profile and Facebook, but he actually got arrested for climbing a hill to go visit the Cloisters as a suspect in a made-up robbery, in one of the best New York City cops-gone-wrong stories in recent history¹. Miranda rights? WHAT ARE THOSE? On his tour through New York City’s holding cells, he got to see the city’s ugly secret: everyone else being held was African-American and being processed on dumb marijuana charges. Welcome!
¹ Um, caveat: “best” story that doesn’t involve (we have to say allegedly, I guess) police raping anyone in their own apartment. Sorry to remind us all of that terrible episode!