Tomorrow You Start Hearing Less Prattle About Primaries!

This is a great day for America — because the news organizations have spent a ton of money on “covering” Iowa and New Hampshire, and they’ll be sending fewer staff and resources to South Carolina, which starts tomorrow, after New Hampshire “votes” today, and which also gets under-covered because it’s a three-hour drive down the J. Strom Thurmond Freeway from outside Myrtle Beach to Columbia, as opposed to the one-hour drive from Nashua NH to Concord NH, and the bigger things get, well, all the reporters are kind of lazy and they miss a lot of events, and so you will be hearing less of the Republican primary prattle, which is all a lot of hot air and doesn’t matter one tiny little bit. (Perhaps you will remember when Herman Cain dominated the news cycle! Ha ha! Creeping sharia! It was literally a couple weeks ago!) After South Carolina comes Florida, with the primary on January 31, which will be a total LOLfest, but will also be a less hysterically covered “news” event. So vote on, New Hampshire freaks! Only 229 days until the Republican convention in Tampa!