Straight People Easily Shamed by Pharmacy Trips

“Amy, a single mother living in a middle-class suburb (she asked that only her middle name be used), is an educated professional who is reasonably savvy in most medical matters. But every month she goes through an arduous, prolonged and humiliating process: filling a Ritalin prescription for herself and her 11-year-old son.”
 — Uh… well, the point about her having to run around to different pharmacies just to get her prescription filled is a good one, because that’s b.s. (Though that’s what we get for letting monopolies exist! Thanks, Walgreen’s!) But you know, Viagra’s been on the market since 1998, and no one’s died of shame yet. (Although probably a few have bit it from priapism.) Maybe take a fresh look at Our Bodies, Ourselves, so you can go out and fill your skin rash and various ladyparts prescriptions without feeling bad about yourselves? Also, please, call me about feeling shamed after you’ve gone out to fetch a prescription for Zidovudine.