How Straight People Buy Cars

“I want to start a family in the next 4ish years. BUT, we aren’t engaged (we have been together 5+ years, he knows I want to get married and have a family but he’s not ready yet) so it’s not like we are going to have kids soon…. My boyfriend is going car shopping with me on Saturday and he has promised to take the back seat as it were and let me make my own decision. I feel like I am being super emotional about this whole thing and I don’t want to freak him out by saying BUT WHERE WILL THE BABY GO????? while we are looking at cars. Am I being irrational?”
 — Dear straight men: maybe some your fears are well-founded: she really is buying that car because of the baby seat she might maybe need one day. (Except that actually makes her the smart one.) Err, also, dear straight women: don’t ever say “we’ve been together five years but aren’t engaged because ‘he’s not ready yet.’” Eeeeeek. 🙁