Again With The Pee Game

As far as occupational hazards go there are far worse ones than my personal burden of being the guy who sees a news item about a Sega videogame for the bathroom that is operated by the force of one’s micturition and shaking his head in the knowledge that the story is over a year old. So I won’t be so quick to dismiss it, especially when one of the games is described thus:

‘Battle! Milk From Nose’ is a multiplayer game where you compete against the person who last used the urinal. The strength of your urine streams are compared, and translated into milk spraying out of your nose. If your stream is stronger, your milk-stream knocks your opponent out of the ring.

Anyway, there’s video involved if you’re so inclined, and it might just be worth watching to hear the British pronunciation of “urinal.” It’s “yoo-rye-null,” which I guess is funny because Vinyl Urinal would be a good name for a band. But only a British one. Oh God, today.