Why Is the EPA Putting Poison in America's Water?

According to Senator James Inhofe, the EPA, at Barack Obama’s bidding, has finally released a draft report on some wells in Wyoming that is obviously full of lies. For one thing, he stingingly calls the draft report “a draft.” Oooh, burn! It’s hard to believe the EPA has the chutzpah to disguise what is a clearly labeled draft report as a draft! It’s also “political science,” and, according to the local fracking companies, the EPA introduced chemicals into the local water that are the same chemicals that fracking utilizes. Do you see how sneaky the EPA is? They figure out what’s in the secret fracking cocktail, and then spread that stuff around and make U.S. citizens drink it. It’s the perfect plan. Anyway, there’s no motivation for the fracking companies to lie or to play political science, as we know, so I guess we just have to dismantle those crooks at the EPA.