Percival Everett, "Assumption"

There were two very nice reviews over the weekend for Percival Everett’s Assumption. Here is what I would suggest that you do: not read these reviews (yet) and just get the book. Once you’ve finished it you’ll want to read a bunch more about it to help yourself figure it out. My only caveat is that if you are the kind of person who needs neatly-tied bows at the end of your fictions, you will find yourself displeased with this one. I, not being that kind of person, thought it was terrific. I read it a couple of months ago and it still sticks with me. Anyway, it is definitely what you want to take with you over the holidays; it’s engrossing enough that it will provide good defensive cover to keep you from whatever terminally boring conversation you might otherwise be forced to suffer through with your family.