Get the Inside Ticket on Entertainment
by Awl Sponsors
Want a ticket to a high-definition movie experience on your TV or PC? Now, you can access a world of full-length HD movies to stream to your computer or directly to your TV, thanks to Intel Insider for Premium HD Home Entertainment.
In the past, movie studios have been hesitant to allow movie lovers to download their films directly from the web, out of fear that their films could be stolen or used illegally. But with the Intel Insider — available on PCs powered by the new 2nd Generation Core Processor with built-in visuals — there’s an extra layer of content protection that keeps the data safe from hackers.
Intel Insider allows you to rent or stream high-def movies from participating partners including WBshop and Best Buy without having to worry that pirates will hack into your stream. You can watch your movie selection on your computer, or beam your favorite flicks directly to your big-screen TV set using Intel’s custom wireless display (WiDi) system.
True, Intel Insider can’t make the popcorn or score you a date, but as far as the tech side is concerned, it’s got all the ingredients for an unforgettable movie night. Find out more now at Intel.
This is a sponsored post written by Intel.