Tomorrow Night's Zine Party

Zines zines zines. People like them so much better than blogs now. They’re like artisanal local blogs. They’re the organic watercress of the larger cabbage family that is self-publishing. THIS particular zine is getting a launch party tomorrow night (that’s Wednesday, November 16th) at the totally adorable Other Music, from 7 to 9 p.m. Um, Tao Lin will be DJing, so… enter at your own risk. (But then so will the awesome Victor Vazquez!) The people-adverse (technically, yes, -averse, but I like the idea of being people-unfavorable!) among us can just stay home and order the zine here; more info here.) N.B. There is no refund available if the self-described “perfect zine” is regarded as “not perfect” by the reader. (Or you can send those $12 to Occupy Wall Street. Something something bread and roses!)