New York Writer for Left-Wing Website Is Also Homosexual

So, the wonderful 32-year-old Steve Kornacki — the Rain Man of election data, former Observer politics writer, frequent MSNBC guest and now Salon news editor — wrote a rare personal essay about how he’s just started telling people he’s gay. It’s fascinating to hear that this is still a thing. And most of all, I enjoy that there are still Secret Homosexuals lurking among us, even in the most elitist enclaves of the coastal elite! (I mean: Salon!) I mean this sincerely: it goes to show how wonderful and complicated humans are. If I were going to make any sort of defensive comment, it would be something like, “Gosh, sorry I helped keep you in the closet with all of my mincing, bro!” (though to be fair to Steve, I did once make him listen to Madonna for like six hours in a small car filled with gays, and that would push anyone further in the closet) but moments like this are really no time for pettiness. God bless us every one!