Maybe This Explains Your Mood

If you are feeling a little bit down today but are unsure as to why, let me offer you a few possibilities.

• That TV show you like might not be coming back.

• We are less than ten days away from Thanksgiving.

• The whole “dying alone” thing is getting harder to ignore.

• Problems pile up and solutions seem ever farther from our grasp. Even the will to contend with the crises of our era appears sapped, buried beneath bad faith and small-mindedness. The spirit of optimism, and the generosity such hope inspired, has long curdled into a bitter, selfish defeatism. It is difficult to be positive about the future, while the present remains some kind of empty promise. Life, always a bastion of suffering and regret, seems ever more difficult to take. The simple task of getting out of bed in the morning becomes a titanic struggle against mounting indifference which gives way to dread and then a sense of pure emptiness.

• The weather is gonna suck until at least Friday. If I had to characterize the current conditions in one word I would choose “dingy.”

Anyway, I hope that helped. I mean, you may not feel better, but hopefully at least now you know why you feel bad. You’re welcome.

Photo by luxorphoto, via Shutterstock